Indiana University Graduate Council records, 1900-2005, bulk 1951-1980


Indiana University Graduate Council records, 1900-2005, bulk 1951-1980

In 1894, Indiana University instituted a standing Committee on Advanced Degrees charged with directing the growing number of students undertaking graduate studies. Formal organization of the Graduate School was authorized by the faculty in 1904, with the continued governance of the Committee until the office of the dean within the IU Graduate School was created in 1908. At that time, the committee emerged as the Administrative Committee and in 1909 became the Graduate Council. As the school's faculty took over the duties of the council in the 1930s, the council was deemed unnecessary and disbanded. However, in the 1950s the Graduate School underwent a reorganization and the Graduate Council was reestablished. The council is still active, meeting monthly during the academic year. Collection consists of memos, proposals, reports, and minutes of the Indiana University Graduate Council.

1.3 cubic feet (2 boxes)



SNAC Resource ID: 6624613

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Indiana University. University Graduate School. Graduate Council (corporateBody)

In 1894, Indiana University instituted a standing Committee on Advanced Degrees charged with directing the growing number of students undertaking graduate studies. Formal organization of the Graduate School was authorized by the faculty in 1904, with the continued governance of the Committee uintil the office of the dean within the IU Graduate School was created in 1908. At that time, the committee emerged as the Administrative Committee and in 1909 became the Graduate Council. As the school's f...